Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why I Don't Care About 'The Hobbit'

by Joe

We've already seen twelve hours of hobbits walking around Middle-earth. Do we really need twelve more? I realize this is a "new" story, but the basic arc of the thing looks just like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm sure this new Hobbit series will be good. I have no doubt that Martin Freeman will be a great hobbit. Peter Jackson succeeded within the Tolkien universe, and he will probably continue to achieve great results.

But for me, it just seems like more of the same. It's like when horror movies make nine movies in a series. It starts to get stale and boring. I'm not too excited for The Hobbit: Another Hairy-Footed Adventure. We've seen all we could have dreamed of from little creatures walking around for three movies. What more can we gain from this world?

I've been wrong before. But it doesn't change my mind about this (probably) boring trilogy.

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