I don't know what happened, but it seemed like everyone has turned on this trilogy. When you hear The Hangover come up in conversation it's usually for people to say, "The first one was pretty funny, but the second one was just dumb. So I'm not excited for the third."
I'll go ahead and say that the first one was very funny, the second was reached a second tier of funny with being somewhat meta. I mean, they did a remake of the first movie with a near scene-by-scene, beat-for-beat flick. And because they recycled the first movie, I was rolling with laughter. I knew that movie was going to make millions more than the first, and all the people were paying for something they'd already seen.
Now, the third one is different. I'm not sure the direction they taken this one, but I can tell you that one of the destinations is FunnyTown. I think that was John Goodman? Playing the bad guy? Can anyone confirm this? I'm too lazy to go to IMDB right now (note: it is him. I decided to go to IMDB). People also seem to be getting tired of Melissa McCarthy, but again, I'm not. I think she's hysterical and even the small roles she gets (see: This is 40) she seems to kill it.
Even if you hate these movies, you have to admit that they were great for Zach Galifinakis's career. Without the first Hangover, who knows how much of these joyous man we would get. And also, it's a movie about the day after binge drinking, so you know, you can't be too harsh. Just enjoy it.
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